====== google-api-php-client ====== Troubleshooting for google-api-php-client ===== GuzzleHttp\Client::request ===== Fatal error: Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Client::request() in Worker.class.php on line 387 Add this to /vender/guzzle/src/Client.php, near by line 157 public function request($method, $url = null, array $options = []) { return $this->send($this->createRequest($method, $url, $options)); } ===== Message 2 ===== { "error": { "errors": [ { "domain": "usageLimits", "reason": "accessNotConfigured", "message": "Access Not Configured. Google+ Domains API has not been used in project 701773203431 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/plusDomains.googleapis.com/overview?project=701773203431 then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.", "extendedHelp": "https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/plusDomains.googleapis.com/overview?project=701773203431" } ], "code": 403, "message": "Access Not Configured. Google+ Domains API has not been used in project 701773203431 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/plusDomains.googleapis.com/overview?project=701773203431 then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry." } }